May 2017
A New Week and Updates
If one breaks the law one usually goes to jail, especially if one fraudulently misused taxpayer money to the tune of $75,000. Golf trips by UNM employees on the public's dime is wrong. Not to mention the fraud that they perpetrated by saying is was a basketball tournament in Ireland. Bad. Very Bad!
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El Rito Library, Santa Fe Library Shirts, and Nick Herrera
May 28, 2017 13:28 Book stuff | Book signings
There are lots of ways to begin a fabulous 3-day Memorial Day weekend. One of the best ways is to go and support an organization that is at the heart of a community — the library! In this case the Library at El Rito and two of its most well-known residents artist Nicholas Herrera and photographer David Michael Kennedy. We all need to get out there and support those groups and organizations that bind our communities together!
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There is a God! UPDATE
May 26, 2017 09:43 Book stuff | Book signings
The UNM Golfgate moves into high gear! When will these people learn that you don't screw with peoples money?
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Changing the pace – drive to El Rito Saturday!
It is time for a break in the routine … and El Rito Library has the perfect change-up. A Fundraiser pancake breakfast and a raffle with a fabulous Altar by Nicholas Herrera. You gotta see it. And you gotta buy a raffle ticket. Do it now before it is too late!
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UNM Makes Me SICK!
It usually takes a lot to make me sick! But UNM is gutting the entire UNM Press operation but is safe-guarding the sports program even when they break the law. Oh my . . . !
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The Future of Books
Book sales are off! Number of book stores is down. Money for libraries is non-existent! Oh, my. What are we gonna do?
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Special Offer!!!!!!!
Everyone loves a special offer! Here is three just for our readers. Special prices for a couple brand new books.
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Steel Bender Brewyard
Green chile is the best! And when you can have it in burgers and other good food items, all the better. You need to check out a new location called the Steel Bender Brewyard. It's the bomb!
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The Search For New
We all like new things! Don't fool yourself, new is fun and exciting. Even people set in their ways want new.
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The Southside Santa Fe Library Celebration
I remember when the Southside Library in Santa Fe opened 10 years ago. I will confess, I went there to see the huge and wonderful sculpture that hangs in the front. I have been there many times since and it is a great addition to the community and to the Santa Fe Library collection. There is a celebration of the Library on May 20 and a kick-off of the popular Summer Reading Program.
Instead of me trying to reform the words, my friend Pat Hodapp has said it all in her Press Release about the event. Read it! Also, we have the two pieces of art from Ricardo Caté. At the moment he is one of my favorite artists for his humor. He is also very Santa Fe.
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Instead of me trying to reform the words, my friend Pat Hodapp has said it all in her Press Release about the event. Read it! Also, we have the two pieces of art from Ricardo Caté. At the moment he is one of my favorite artists for his humor. He is also very Santa Fe.

National Teacher Appreciation Day
Teachers have one of the most important jobs for the future of our country. However, they are not paid enough. But most people are willing to pile on the money for our celebrity and sports "heroes." We need to change this immediately.
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Get Your Week Moving
It's always fun to get an extra boost to help you get through the week. Here are two to get you started … rabbits crossing and double corn.
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Donations, Thank You & Hope
It feels good to do the right thing. It feels even better when someone says "Thanks" for your efforts. But does that always work out? Maybe not . . .
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Publishers Talking About Authors
Every now and then, it is a good thing to express one's true feelings about things. That's true in publishing as well. Publishers tell all about what makes a good or a bad author . . .
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The Soda Tax Lost!
The public is getting tired of being told what we want and what is good for us. Maybe politicians should ask us before they jump off on some tangent. Case in point — the failed sugar tax!
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We Are Beset With Saguaro Cactus?
New Mexico Dept. of Education teaches kids bad science and bad geography! Saguaro cactus do NOT exist naturally in New Mexico. Maybe they should rethink what books they give to kids free.
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Children’s Book Week and…………
May 03, 2017 14:41 Book stuff | Book signings
Sometimes we forget how important reading and books are. It has been proven that the more one reads at a young age the more likely one is to succeed in later life.
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We Put Our Children First – Really?
May 02, 2017 10:17 Rants & Rulings
Archdiocese has put up a smokescreen on the Soda tax effort. It is distasteful at best and just plain stupid at its worst.
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