Dump A Drawer!

Brilliant! This is a great idea for the winter!
Introducing the 'Dump-A-Drawer' Way to Declutter
from Gail Rubin
Overwhelmed by clutter every time you open a drawer, a cabinet or a closet? Try Gail Rubin's "Dump-A-Drawer" approach to decluttering!
"Frustrated that I couldn't find a specific item in my desk drawer due to an abundance of clutter, this approach helped clear the frustration in a jiffy," said Rubin. Here's how you do it:
Step 1: Remove the drawer with its contents inside.
Step 2: Dump the contents of the drawer into a cardboard box.
Step 3: Pick out the items that you actually use, need or want (it's a remarkably small percentage).
Step 4: Donate the items in the box to a charity.
Step 5: Put the cleaned out, pared down drawer back in your desk, dresser or kitchen cabinet, with the items you are keeping neatly arranged.
Step 6: Smile every time you open the drawer and see how organized and clean it is.
"This works with office spaces as well as personal spaces," said Rubin. "I just used it to clean out the glove compartment in my automobile. It's especially great for releasing those promotional items that tend to proliferate and contribute to clutter."
— Barbe Awalt

Catch Loretta Hall at Albuquerque Oasis on February 2, at 1pm. Loretta is going to talk about the Nature of Space Travel.
Loretta has not been to space but has done almost everything short of space travel. Plus, she can talk about the stresses of space travel on a human’s body. Loretta has also written about Space Trash and other space topics.
If you are a lover of space, go! Loretta has written the Space Buff’s Bucket List book, Out of This World, and Space Pioneers.
Space may be the final frontier!
Barbe Awalt

To mark the Basic Genealogy Checklist’s first signing at Bookworks and official release, we have a deal for you!
Buy a Basic Genealogy Checklist book SIGNED for $15 (normally $15.95) and get a Wills & Probates of Santa Fe book SIGNED by Henrietta Christmas for $10 (normally $18.95). That is an almost a $10 savings.
$25.00 (plus tax) and FREE SHIPPING in the US and offer until February 1, 2017. AND offer is not available in a bookstore because…………
Barbe Awalt
Order HERE at https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=968FZP64RA9QN
Sunday at Bookworks – Genealogy!

If you want to search your family genealogy, you must come to Bookworks, Sunday, 3pm, to find out how to start. The new book, the Basic Genealogy Checklist will be explored and signed. You will get a killer handout on how to start or even if you are a pro – other things to do.
Paul Rhetts and Henrietta Martinez Christmas have done it all. They have even been on a TV show – Genealogy Roadshow when it came to Albuquerque. Henrietta has a long resume on speaking about genealogy and helping individuals. She was even recognized by national DAR!
On an iffy weather day, come to Bookworks and start your journey or expand it. You never know what you will find!
Barbe Awalt
Gene Cernan & Space
When I was a student, the biggest thing was space shots. Now we find out that space traveler, Gene Cernan, has died.
Cernan commanded Apollo 17 in December, 1972. Cernan was also the last man to walk on the moon. After his astronaut stint Cernan continued to advocate for space exploration.
It is sad that space is not the big deal it was. Maybe because we don’t care or maybe there is no money for those bigger-than-life explorations. Do students’ learn about space in school?
Space exploration may hold the keys for a lot of problems we have on earth. It is important for little boys and girls to know what space can do for them.
I have to say, the Space Buff’s Bucket List book will open your eyes to what has been accomplished already!
Barbe Awalt
Journey Santa Fe at Collected Works April 23
First of all, I wish everyone a thoughtful Martin Luther King birthday. We all truly need to think about the direction we are going with race relations. We can do so much when all of us work together with respect for all.
Pat Hodapp is at it again. The author of the Santa Fe Bucket List book and Director of the Santa Fe Library has lined up a number of speaking engagements this spring. Some are for members only, but the one on April 23, 2017, at 11am in Collected Works in Santa Fe is about the state of the Santa Fe Library with budget cuts all around. Pat will be happy to sign copies of her Bucket List book afterward. The talk is open to the public and is free to attend.
I have to be honest. The Santa Fe Bucket List book was our highest selling book in 2016. So that makes Pat a rockstar in our eyes.
The future of all libraries is a serious topic and all people should be aware of what budget cuts mean.
Barbe Awalt
The Genealogy Checklist, a part of the Bucket List series, is now available as an ebook. It is $7.99 on Apple and Kindle. And on Kindle if you buy the print book you get the ebook version for $2.99. So you can have it to read and an ebook to travel or to use at graveyards and libraries.
It joins Kicking the Bucket List book. It is also $7.99 on Apple and Kindle but it does not have the “special price” for a print and an ebook.
These are two really good books to start out the new year. Do your genealogy and get your affairs in order.
Barbe Awalt
Rez Dogs
There is a movement in New Mexico for the 60 day Legislative Session to have a designated “official dog.” The dog is the Rez Dog. If you have gone to a reservation anywhere you see Rez Dogs.
Rez Dogs are a fact of life in New Mexico and other states as well. This would be an effort to say New Mexico is unique, not saying negative things about reservations, and celebrate the Native American culture and way of life.
Colorado has Rescue Dogs (and cats) as the official dog. The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is the official dog in Maryland. The dog has a proud and long history in Maryland. Our Rez Dogs would be equal to the Retriever. Why recognize a dog that doesn’t have meaning to New Mexico. I love Poodles, Beagles, and Shar Peis but they have nothing to do with New Mexico.
After you get over the idea of the proposal, you gotta say, it makes sense. It is so New Mexico! And no one else would dare have it!
Barbe Awalt