April 2017
Genealogy at the Santa Fe Library – Sunday!
April 29, 2017 16:47 Book stuff | Book signings
Do you know who you are? Have you ever explored your family history? Well, now is a good time to give it a look.
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There Is Nothing Better!
April 29, 2017 09:27 Book stuff | Book signings
It is always exciting to get a delivery of new books. Sometimes the shipments are HUGE and sometimes they are much more modest.
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Congrats To Our Bucket Books & More
April 27, 2017 15:28 Book stuff | Book signings
Winning is so much fun! Winning re-confirms that one is doing something right. This last weekend we found out we did a lot right. Five of our books won top honors in two book contests and 3 others got 2nd place. Not bad!
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The Good, Bad, & Ugly About Book Awards
Book awards give a little recognition to a vast array of books on the market. They help point out the good books. They are a very important part of the book trade. But, sometimes awards go all wrong …. REALLY!
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We Are So Lucky!!!!! Let’s See Everything Closed!
Have you ever wondered about what would happen if no one came to your party? I'm sure that our Governor and our President have been thinking about this lately. They are both threatening to close up government if they don't get their ways. But it's possible that no one will care or even notice.
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Gallup to Flagstaff – Dinos in Holbrook
April 24, 2017 11:54 Book stuff | Book signings
You find some of the most interesting and exciting things where (and when) one least expects them. Case in point, HUGE dinosaurs. Stop and they could just make your whole day!
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History Conference in Flagstaff
It is really good to get away and clear one's head — it is a great way to focus renewed energy on the job at hand — which in this case is selling books. Flagstaff was the perfect place for that this last weekend. (Photo above: Winslow Public Library, Winslow, AZ)
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The Governor’s First Grade Reading Initiative
April 17, 2017 09:44 Rants & Rulings
An obsession leads to discovery of a flawed reading program. Wasteful spending of public tax dollars in an "illegal" bid system. Wow!
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Things Have Changed!
Amazing how things change when we least expect them or even able to notice the actual change. Our lives have definitely changed. Check this out!
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Chocolate vs Books
April 11, 2017 12:35 Book stuff | Book signings
Octavia Fellin Library Author Fair in Gallup, NM
Every town in the country can help promote literacy and reading. Take a look at the Gallup Public Library as an example. They do a really nice job in their relatively small community and it has a HUGE impact. Hats off to the Octavia Fellin Public Library and Gallup's city government.
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Village Pizza – Where Are You?
The retail landscape is morphing as we speak. Man, there have been a huge number of changes lately. Stores closing right and left. Where are all my old favorites?
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Loretta Hall at Treasure House Books for "Miguel & Michelle"
April 06, 2017 10:31 Book stuff | Book signings
It's time to support a local author — this is a take off from the "BUY LOCAL" programs. Stop by and see Loretta Hall and her new book at Treasure House Books in Old Town Albuquerque on Sunday April 9 from 1 to 3pm. The book is "Miguel and Michelle Visit Spaceport America".
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