March 2017
April is a Big Month For Books!!!!
March 30, 2017 09:09 Book stuff | Book signings
As you may have noticed, books are an important part of our lives. Not only do we produce between 20-25 books each year, but we read tons of them. We buy books and we get a "loan" from the library whenever we need more. April is a great time to remember the importance of libraries in all of our communities. Go check them out.
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Miguel & Michelle to be Released at Explora!
We launch new books all the time, but having a launch party at the Explora Science Center and Children's Museum is HUUGGGEEE for us! Stop by on Saturday and experience some fun stuff, including the release of Loretta Hall's newest book "Miguel & Michelle Visit Spaceport America" a great children's book focussed on our own great State!
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Several Special Deals!
This is the season when many publishers are filling up their warehouses with new titles that will be released over the next couple of months. We all want to get our new titles some special coverage so we offer a few deals just for you!
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The Tale of the Run Over Book
As Rodney Dangerfield used to say —"No Respect!" Here is an example of how books get treated all the time … with no respect. Someone did not get the memo on how one is supposed to treat books!
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Our Authors – Gotta Love ‘Em
The backbone of every publishing house are the authors who create all those beautiful words. We are blessed here at Rio Grande Books as well with many great people.
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IPRA & You
Open government and transparency are important because they allow citizens to view and keep track of what government does. But we must fight to keep those rights or government will strip us of them when we are not looking.
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We Got What We Deserve
New Mexico Governor Martinez threatens a complete government shutdown because she didn't get her way in the legislature. Most people in New Mexico probably won't even notice. SAD!
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Alternative Facts vs Fact Checking
Our White House feels that facts get in the way of the truth. I guess reality is only a tv show.
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Calling all kids and adults! Learn all about where we are going in space exploration from an expert. Join us on Sat March 18 at the Santa Fe Public Library from 2-4pm!
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WE DID IT AGAIN!!!!! We Failed!
New Mexico has some of the worst schools in the country and they are getting worse all the time. No thanks to the New Mexico Public Education Department.
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We Are in First Place Again!!!!!
New Mexico must love being number 1! We show up on all kinds of lists as the best place for this and that. But it also finds itself on the worst lists too!
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A Space Talk & Sneak!
Come hear all about New Mexico's contribution to space exploration at the Santa Fe Public Library. Learn more about this exciting history!
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Our New Spaceport America Book!
Yippee! We just released our first new title for 2017 — MIGUEL & MICHELLE VISIT SPACEPORT AMERICA by Loretta Hall. This is a fun book for children and young readers!
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Terrie Q. Sayre
Hooray! There will be a new animal shelter later this year! We'd like to think that Terrie Q. Sayre had something to do with it!
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NMPED & Alternative Facts
Do you remember the old saying "It ain't over until the fat lady sings? Well, here is a new take on that provided by the NM Public Education Department and their legal eagles.
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National Words Matter Week
Words are an important part of communicating along with behavior. Words do matter! Here is a case in point.
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Charlie and Debbie Carrillo
March 05, 2017 12:16 Food for Thought | Call for Help
Extend a helping hand to a family that needs our help right now! This is important to all of us so we hope you can help.
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Slim Randles & The Giant Eclair
The Chocolate Eclair That Ate the World? Or was it the author who ate the whole enchilada? Plus, other rants and goings on.
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The First New Mexico Writers Dinner
A wrap-up of the First New Mexico Writers Dinner — a huge success by the way! And a few rants on the state of affairs both in the book world and in politics.
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