In Memoriam: Our champion has passed!
May 14, 2019 15:29 Book stuff

New Mexico loses a champion of local authors and books
Barbara Jane Awalt [Rhetts], co-owner of Rio Grande Books and LPD Press and co-founder of the New Mexico Book Co-op, died at age 67 on May 13 at Albuquerque. She had been diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer just two months prior. She was in the public relations and book publishing business for almost 40 years.Barbe Awalt was a warrior for local authors and books and a champion of the “buy local” movement. Herself the author of over two dozen books, ranging from Hispanic devotional art to a series of titles for everyone’s “bucket list,” to bilingual picture books for Navajo and Hispanic children, she helped guide hundreds of local authors in their pursuit of getting published and distributed to local stores and readers. READ MORE at