Largest Book Ever Published in New Mexico!??
November 15, 2018 09:45 Book stuff | Food for Thought
We Can All Learn From Our Past: Spend a few minutes with a really good historian this Saturday!

Don Bullis At Special Collections Saturday With New Book!

Don Bullis has been called the Ralph Emerson Twitchell of these times. Don’t know who Twitchell was? He was an early historian in New Mexico’s history who documented the early events and people.
Don Bullis has a lot more to document and his new book, New Mexico Historical Chronology, just may be the largest book published in New Mexico – over 1,000 pages! The book has good, bad, and everything in between. Great for a history student or a history teacher.
Don will been giving a free talk with show and tell of his new book (for sale if you need a gift!) at Botts Hall, Albuquerque Special Collections Library at 10:30am on Saturday. The Library is on Central near I-40.
Check out a major historian of New Mexico.
Barbe Awalt