The Mueller Report & We Are Screwed.

As everyone else is confused – the Mueller Report says nothing and everything. But besides the maybe “committed collusion” or not, we need to take a minute to see what the Report says about us as a country.
As the Report says, maybe Trump’s people were too dumb, clueless, or didn’t care that they were breaking the law. We are telling the rest of the world that the USA just doesn’t bother following the law and frankly, anything goes. It also says that the powers that be, don’t care about people who oppose what they want to do. The only important thing is winning.

The Report washes our incredibly dirty laundry for all the world to see. Why should another country care to even listen to the USA when the USA is just stupid? It used to be that the USA stood up for what was right - now, not so much.
So, at this time of religious reflection and prayer, it is up to us to see – WE ARE SCREWED! Happy Easter!
Barbe Awalt