It Got Awful Quiet All of a Sudden...
November 08, 2018 13:36 Book stuff | Food for Thought
The crazy season is over; we are free of all the political ads!

Has Something Changed?

The phone doesn’t ring as much. We don’t get as many robo calls. The radio is playing holiday commercials. The TV doesn’t have those obnoxious, terrible, angry, divisive, political ads. Isn’t it great!?!?!?!?!?!?
Let’s face it – the political ads on all platforms are the singular deterrent against elections. But we can’t make them go away. When will those running for a political office realize that we HATE negative ads and ads that are outright lies. We got off to such a good start when candidates talked about issues and themselves. Then they went on the attack or ran out of things to say.
Political ads are supposed to inform us about the candidate and their stand on various issues. But after that is done to death, they all want to attack their opponent and say things that are far from the truth. Reporters point out over and over, that what they say is not passing the smell test, but they don’t care. After all, it is not their money used to pay for political ads. Outside PACs come in and flood us with ridiculous ads that say nothing and turn us off.
When will they learn? It would be refreshing, next election, for a candidate to just say - this is where I stand and instruct PACs to just stick to the issues.
Enjoy the peace and quiet for about a year then it is going to start over again. And if you can believe it, the ads will be worse.
Barbe Awalt