
It's time for book lovers to get in the holiday spirit!
The New Mexico Book Co-op is pleased to have Robin Cutler, VP at Ingram, as their guest speaker on Friday, December 8. Robin has spoken to the Co-op before and she is GOOD! What makes her good is that she is pro authors/books and she gives insight into the largest book distributor in the world.

Yes, if you are a book person you need to know about Ingram. They are located primarily in Tennessee and all over the world. Ingram is who bookstores, libraries, schools, and gift stores use to fill orders.

The meeting is Friday, December 8, at Golden Corral on San Mateo near Cliff’s, in Albuquerque. The meeting starts at noon but book people start coming at 11am to eat and network. There is no fee for the lunch and everyone is invited, BUT attendees MUST pay for their own lunch – about $10. Please no non-eaters.

Also, everyone is asked to wear their best holiday attire. It might be ugly or not. There are prizes and the NM Book Co-op wants to bring a little holiday spirit to attendees.


Barbe Awalt

LosLunas OP-CIT flyer Dec. 9-2017


FRANCELLE ALEXANDER ("Albuquerque's North Valley"
February 15: Bookworks, Rio Grande Blvd, 6pm
February 17: Los Ranchos Village Hall, 11am to 1pm
February 18: Treasure House Books, Old Town Plaza, 1pm

HENRIETTA CHRISTMAS & PAUL RHETTS ("The Basic Genealogy Checklist")
Dec 9: Los Lunas Public Library, 10am
January 6: Hispanic Genealogy Research Center at National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque, 10am
January 9: El Castillo Living Center, Santa Fe, NM, 7pm

ROSS VAN DUSEN ("What Makes the Lightning?", "How the Crocka Dog Came to Be"; and "Lyle Got Stuck in a Tree")
Jan 24 ; Edna Ferguson Public Library, 3700 San Mateo Blvd NE, Albuquerque