It Has Been A While!!!!!

I had intended to write about the NM Book Co-op with Hakim Bellamy and the National Hispanic Cultural Center’s Bilingual Fair BUT the internet went dead and the phones went dead. Technology is good when it works but when it doesn’t we are screwed. How could they go out, you ask? Thursday was phone day. Every time it rains the phones go out so we wanted to finally fix that and we thought, stupidly, that at the same time we would kill the fax line since we hadn’t gotten a fax in years. That didn’t work and of course the weekend means nothing gets done. YEA Century Link (formerly Quest!)!
Hakim Bellamy talked at the NM Book Co-op Lunch on the Bravos Award and just what authors want from the City of Albuquerque. He was good and the Bravos Awards have been extended until May 31, 2019. So if you know someone in the arts who needs a pat on the back – see the City website and go to Creative Albuquerque Bravos Awards.
On Saturday was the Bilingual Fair for Books at NHCC. Bilingual books are needed both for parents and teachers. I had some idiot at the NM Public Education Department tell me that kids only want English content books and not Bilingual if they can only speak English. Bilingual books are very easy to just add one language and make kids aware that there are more than one language in the world. And frankly, the more book fairs the better it is for all of us!
Barbe Awalt