Jury Duty, Part II
December 06, 2018 09:23 Book stuff | Food for Thought
Part II of Jury Duty Starts Today!

Jury Duty II

When I did jury duty before, years ago, you couldn’t bring your phone into the building. That is the rule for everyone except police and real lawyers. Even as a pro se (representing yourself) litigant, I can’t bring in my phone or a laptop.
The new version of jury duty allows electronics for jurists IF they have the magic green card that they send you as a reminder. When you go though security, you present the magic green card and your phone and laptop can go though. Makes sense. They had one phone in the jury room but that got busy. Without a car, I need a phone to call when the day is over. The Sheriff’s are real careful that electronics don’t go through security with the unwashed masses.
I just got called for Thursday’s jury duty so more to come.
Barbe Awalt
Today's Humor
Thanks to Ricardo Cate