Tone from the White House
The Tone
The tone coming from the White House is divisive, lying, name calling, antagonistic, and negative. So, no wonder that the country is feeling that same way.
The First Lady’s “Be Best” campaign is aimed at cyber bullying but shouldn’t she start at home with the Tweeter in Chief? What example is this for kids? And, let’s be frank, the Be Best Campaign is rolled out when the First Lady needs to say something to deflect some other bad action. Would the First Lady like to have Baron follow in the Donald’s footsteps by attacking dead people or the handicapped, or the military or anyone that doesn’t agree with him? Bullies are terrible people.
This is a bad example for the country and one that I think we can’t recover from. The nuts that are out there are sending email threats to Cindy McCain because the McCain family dared to object to John McCain’s reputation being dragged through the mud. Where is the Republican Party voicing their distaste for this kind of behavior?
Actions and words are important.
Barbe Awalt