Can You Get On A Plane With No ID?

The story broke that many illegal immigrants are flying on planes to their next destination and they can do it without ID. Now that isn’t exactly true – they have a piece of paper from Homeland Security/TSA saying they can do it.
So first, how about all the legal citizens who have to go through the nonsense of getting a new, compliant, set of ID so they can travel? I am not an immigrant, negative person but it seems like immigrants are getting a pass on the ID question.
Second, has the person sitting next you on a plane been vetted and certified “not a terrorist”? Remember, this is not a special Homeland Security plane but a regular plane with vacant seats. Again, are citizens being screwed?
Third, are immigrants getting priority on vacant seats? Citizens who book late may find there are no seats to be had especially in Border cities.
Just a thought……………
Barbe Awalt