Make America Great Again?
September 04, 2018 10:55 Book stuff | Food for Thought
Exactly when was it that America stopped being great?

I have always hated “Make America Great Again!” It implies that America isn’t great. Sure, we have problems, every country does. But, it is still a better country than others that don’t allow individual freedoms.
Meghan McCain said, “The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great.” That is it! America did not need to be a motto on a hat because it has values that have always been strong.
If America is not great why are people from other countries risking all to come here? If America is not great what country is?
I have never been a fan of Meghan McCain but she is now a lot more important in my book. Instead of, “Make America Great Again,” why not put on a hat, Stop Bullying, RESPECT All Peoples, Kill Sexism, and Stop Racists.
Take a minute to reflect on the two, timely funerals this past week and what they mean to America. People who put FAKE slogans on hats to further their political careers need to be ignored. They are not GREAT!
Barbe Awalt