What I Am Tired Of in 2019!
January 04, 2019 10:42 Book stuff | Food for Thought
Let's Stop Treating Us Like We Are Stupid and Tell Us The Truth!
Can't Trust Liars!
I am tired of Donald Trump and I am tired of the idiots around him who won’t speak their minds – if they have one. If Trump is saying things that are factually wrong, against the law, in poor taste, making fun of people, or just stupid – say SOMETHING. And continue to say something. I am tired of pundits and politicians saying in passing, “Well that was wrong or illegal.” And never saying it again. Keep saying it. We and Donald need to know if something is wrong or illegal and the only way he will stop saying it is if we don’t stop. Like wasn’t Mexico supposedly paying for the wall and now it has led to a government shutdown. Talk about stupid!
The wrong statements and really wrong tweets are causing people to not get paychecks, promised raises evaporate, the stock market to fall, other nations to HATE us, treaties broken, and statements changing from hour to hour. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!
And it is not the Donald alone saying stupid things. Host Tucker Carlson said the bulk of the problems now are women making more money than men. IS THIS STUPID OR WHAT?
And let’s not forget the tons of stupid people saying racist or sexist things. It has got to stop. If people are unable to say things that are reasonable then SHUT UP!
I do think one factor of being stupid, not the only one, is if a person doesn’t read, how do they know things are wrong or illegal? If you don’t read, can you learn from history – it will repeat itself. If you don’t read, how do you know people committed acts that landed them in jail. Don’t be fooled – just because it has been written down and signed into law, it doesn’t mean governmental agencies have read it. I know that!
I am very tired of being bothered by stupid people!
Barbe Awalt