Little Bits Of Stupidity & Cool Packed In One Blog!

The selection of the 2019 National Christmas Tree has started and this year’s tree comes from the Carson National Forest in New Mexico! People are urged to contact the Carson National Forest Questa Ranger Station – Ricardo Martinez, with suggestion locations in Carson or a particular tree – it has to be a perfect tree! New Mexicans also have a chance to donate 10,000 ornaments to donate the tree.
Millennials don’t just have a terrible college loan to live with - seniors do too. Seniors – 60 years and older, owe more than $86 billion dollars. Frankly, they will never pay it back but worry like crazy until they die. And if that isn’t bad enough, Social Security benefits are being seized from those seniors putting them in deeper debt. Is this NUTS?

The Tweeter in Chief has proposed that immigrants pay an amount to process their immigration forms. An amount has not been specified but are these people just running around with any amount of money in their pockets?
Barbe Awalt