Jury Duty VI & Solicitations
December 14, 2018 15:10 Book stuff | Food for Thought
All these groups asking for money — do they really know who they are asking or have they just blanketed the world with their solicitations?
Jury Duty VI & Solicitations
No jury duty on Thursday, so I have to find other ways to get in trouble.
Have you gotten a lot of email and snail mail solicitations for end of year contributions? I have. A few I have supported, but the majority I have never given a cent, never gone to one of their events or frankly, don’t know who they are. Where have they been all year?
If these organizations made an effort to communicate all year or tell us what they have done, it would be better. Most people don’t give money blindly. Non-profits have to learn to include people painlessly to get their money.
There are so many places that want or need money. What makes you float to the top?
Barbe Awalt