The Shutdown & The Dummies Who Did It
December 24, 2018 11:43 Book stuff | Food for Thought
Washington is Shut-Down…or Is It?

Why do regular Americans have to suffer, during the holidays, because of bunch of uncooperative, baby-like, egomaniac, privileged people who have no consequences for what they have done ? I don’t see the Congress people giving their salaries, during the shutdown, to people who might really need it. I see them going on vacation, AGAIN, and enjoying the holidays. I don’t see the President giving his salary either to the people without a paycheck. He gave up his Florida vacation playing golf and annual holiday party, to stay in the really nice house we as taxpayers allowed him to live in for four years. He has staff, food, and all the other niceties allowed him that we pay for. Any of those government employees impacted, would love to spend Christmas at the White House.

So why do we have them in power? Because we voted for them. We voted for people not to work together, spend our money like water, live high on the hog (have you ever read their medical plans?), not spend money- our money- for Americans who really need it, take extravagant vacations and fact-finding trips, get richer, and make a bunch of bozo decisions then tweet about it. We did it. We gave those nuts the power to not care about us. We are terrible judges of character or lack of character and when they go to DC they get corrupted by power and money. They have no time for the citizens who voted for them, except when they need our vote again.

A special holiday thanks to Native American cartoonist Ricardo Cate
Merry Christmas to us for doing the wrong thing over and over again. Is this the sign of insanity – doing the same dumb thing over and over without a different outcome?

Here are couple really great book reviews we have received in the past couple of days. Enjoy!

To all of us goodnight!
Barbe Awalt