Two New Mexico Supreme Court Judges/Balloonists
Kool news… and hot air!

It is a pleasure to not talk about the government shutdown. It gives me pleasure to talk about two New Mexico Supreme Court Judges. Only in New Mexico can you have two balloonist Supreme Court Judges!
Chief Judge of the Supreme Court Judith Nakamura joined the Supreme Court in December 2017. She is an avid hot air balloon pilot and member of the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta Board of Directors. She has been given awards by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and the University of New Mexico – her alma mater. She was a judge previously in Albuquerque’s Metro Court.
Judge Shannon Bacon was just appointed to the New Mexico Supreme Court. She is not a pilot but her father and her brother Josh are. Shannon has been a SunFlyer crew member for forever. My memories of Shannon are not of her as a passenger but rather an avid crew member; I recall her jumping rope with the crown line with partner in crime, John Fitti, before the balloon was inflated at Fiesta. Shannon has a long resume of community support for homeless kids and legal education. I also remember how she arranged for Al Roker and the Today Show to be at an event at Cuidando Los Niños; Roker flew in the tied down balloon.

It is VERY unusual for judges to be active balloonists – even in Albuquerque. But it does show that judges are people too with lives outside of legal issues. Maybe we will have a high-flying Supreme Court?
Barbe Awalt
Chief Judge of the Supreme Court Judith Nakamura joined the Supreme Court in December 2017. She is an avid hot air balloon pilot and member of the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta Board of Directors. She has been given awards by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and the University of New Mexico – her alma mater. She was a judge previously in Albuquerque’s Metro Court.
Judge Shannon Bacon was just appointed to the New Mexico Supreme Court. She is not a pilot but her father and her brother Josh are. Shannon has been a SunFlyer crew member for forever. My memories of Shannon are not of her as a passenger but rather an avid crew member; I recall her jumping rope with the crown line with partner in crime, John Fitti, before the balloon was inflated at Fiesta. Shannon has a long resume of community support for homeless kids and legal education. I also remember how she arranged for Al Roker and the Today Show to be at an event at Cuidando Los Niños; Roker flew in the tied down balloon.

It is VERY unusual for judges to be active balloonists – even in Albuquerque. But it does show that judges are people too with lives outside of legal issues. Maybe we will have a high-flying Supreme Court?
Barbe Awalt