Bookworks & Treasure House Books

XMASBucketList-cover SantaFeBucketList-cover

I know you are dying to get Bucket Books and here are some places that have them: Bookworks and Treasure House Books in Albuquerque. Page 1 has a few but they know where to get more titles. Collected Works in Santa Fe has the Santa Fe Bucket List. Kim’s Hallmark, Marcy Street Cards, and op cit have more titles. Other places in Santa Fe and Albuquerque may have some books because they order from another place. The Range Cafe store – Home at the Range has many titles and they know where to get more. The Little Store in Peralta – south of Albuquerque, carries many titles.

For some true made in New Mexico things go to the Balloon Museum Holiday fair next Sunday. Admission to the Museum is free ALL DAY! We will have all the Bucket List Books at our booth. And I bet we have special Fair prices on all our books. Do I hear shopping bells?

Start shopping early before the crowds and when you finish early you can enjoy December. There is nothing better than sipping hot chocolate and looking out the window at the falling snow! Here is an idea – have the Christmas Bucket List book to read at Thanksgiving or the Kicking the Bucket List to encourage family to prepare. Get stories with the stuffing!

- Barbe Awalt