The Smackdown!!!!!
August 22, 2016 09:24 Chile Cheeseburger Bucket
Edible Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Taos asked me to be a judge for the Green Chile Cheeseburger Smackdown at the Santa Fe Farmer’s Market Pavilion, September 9. 4 to 7pm. They thought that my authoring the Green Chile Cheeseburger Bucket List book was my ticket but frankly, green chile cheeseburgers are delish! I wouldn’t pass up a chance to go! The Smackdown is a major event. I will take pictures and let you know what the winning green chile cheeseburgers are.
Visit and go to events and see the Green Chile Cheeseburger Smackdown!
I put in The Range because it is owned by the same wonderful people that own the Freight House in the Smackdown. Go to Bernalillo and get some good food!
— Barbe Awalt
Visit and go to events and see the Green Chile Cheeseburger Smackdown!
I put in The Range because it is owned by the same wonderful people that own the Freight House in the Smackdown. Go to Bernalillo and get some good food!
— Barbe Awalt