Kicking The Bucket Week!!!

KickingBucket-cover-shadow 2 Kick#100

The very first item in the Kicking the Bucket List book is “Release Your Attachments.” This is an important way to start off and get into a mind-set that makes you more productive and frankly, healthier.

How many times have we said, “I am going to wear that dress – it is so beautiful – but I just can’t find the occasion.” Or, “I want a knick-knack I see. I don’t have a use for it but I just can’t leave it in a store.” Or just keeping things because I will deal with them tomorrow or it is expected I keep things given to me. Or my problem – it is on sale!

Enough! You can’t take anything with you to the greater beyond and if you move to a smaller place, do you really want to pack those things and take them? We all have too much – clothes, trinkets, books, shoes, papers, files, electronic stuff that has no use, and the list goes on and on. There is something to be said for the Tiny House Movement. It forces you to downsize. It forces you to decide what is important.

Sure, if a stuffed toy from your childhood is important, keep it. But maybe the twenty other stuffed toys are not really needed. The saying – “If you haven’t worn or used it in two years, it has to go.” - is true. What haven’t you used? As we get older, simple is best!

- Barbe Awalt