What’s New Now?

Does anyone besides me wake up every morning and wonder what nasty surprise is in store for you from the idiots in D.C.? I am tired of the people in D.C. impacting my life with their nonsense.

Case #1 – If CLEARANCES can’t be given to the right people in a reasonable amount of time, they don’t deserve a CLEARANCE! There ought to be some intelligence person who decides CLEARANCES and not everyone and their brother. It ought to be automatic and without politics involved. Is this so hard?

Case #2 – All Presidents need to hand over their tax returns BEFORE they are elected. Not to have them “leaked” to the immediate world but someone needs to check them for a red flag. Refusing to hand over your taxes says there is something in them that is not cool. Get over it! The people deserve to know that your business dealings are fine – just like your health.

Case #3 – The Mueller report. It ought to be released to the public and we decide if we want to read it and what it says. Nobody should make a summary for us. We don’t need some flunky telling us what to think!

CASE #4 – If you have no idea what positions should be filled – ambassadors, directors – then you are clueless. To not have ambassadors in our embassies show we are unable to figure this out. Shame on you!

I have enough to do and have grown tired of the non-reading, non-educated, babies that impact my life. Do we have better people out there to run things?

Barbe Awalt