Black Friday

There should be a shopping day for people who hate Black Friday.

I remember Target used to have Black Friday at 7am. We would line up at 6:45am and everyone in line would get a bag of goodies. CIVILIZED! FUN! FESTIVE!

I am not going shopping on Thanksgiving and certainly, not going shopping at 3am on Friday! I also don’t like crowds.

So, Saturday is small/local businesses and Sunday should be Black Friday haters. Considering there is church and people sleep-in on Sundays, so start at 11am to 4pm.

There should be employees with boxes and tissue paper. Chairs should be placed around to time out. AND, there should be a bunch of special sale items for Black Friday haters. I wouldn’t say NO if there were seasonal refreshments passed around – just saying. Or if it is the kind of store to have cooking demos – what better than how-to’s of Christmas cookies, dips, or holiday punches? And it is fun when sales clerks wear seasonal garb. Everyone, employees and shoppers, would have to say THANK-YOU and wish seasonal greetings!

Not tolerated would be: screaming babies, running kids, pushers, baby strollers, yellers, and people in bad moods – basically bah-humbugs. You can’t legislate this, but people in pj’s and slippers are frowned at.

Black Friday shoppers will be envious.

Barbe Awalt


HENRIETTA CHRISTMAS & PAUL RHETTS ("The Basic Genealogy Checklist")
Dec 9: Los Lunas Public Library, 10am
January 6: Hispanic Genealogy Research Center at National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque, 10am
January 9: El Castillo Living Center, Santa Fe, NM, 7pm

ROBERT TORREZ ("Voices from the Past")
Nov 30: Bookworks, Rio Grande Blvd, 6pm

ROSS VAN DUSEN ("What Makes the Lightning?", "How the Crocka Dog Came to Be"; and "Lyle Got Stuck in a Tree")
Dec 1: Treasure House Books, Old Town Plaza, 6pm

