The Death Of Retail?

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The mega thinkers are saying online ordering will be the death, in a few years, of retail. Are we so lazy or have we lost the urge to shop?

I love to shop. Not necessarily for anything in particular but I like to look. If peaches are great – I will buy. If the perfect gift for someone is on my way through the aisles – I will buy. If there are some great after-Christmas- sales – I will buy. These can’t be on a website.

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I understand the ease of milk, eggs, flour, for pick-up or delivery. They are fast and the things I always get. But will they have unusual fish or meat? I need a card – do they have all the verses of a card on a website to read first? Maybe no one sends a card any more.


It makes me sad to see the death of retail. It might be the death of book sales among many other things. Are you going to buy a puppy on a website? Can you see the personality? Are you going to feel a piece of clothing on a website?

This is a sad change in the way we do business.

Barbe Awalt